Natural Beef Your Consumers Want

Natural* Beef Your Customers Want.

Enhance your menu options by going back to the basics. Open Prairie® beef products are wholesome and uncomplicated. They’re the perfect protein base for your flavorful entrees and appetizers.

With Open Prairie® brand beef, you can give your customers the natural meats they’re asking for: minimally processed, without artificial ingredients.

Our Approach to Animal Welfare

Open Prairie® brand takes animal welfare seriously through compassionate care based in sound science. After all, 81% of consumers say that animal welfare matters to them.1 To provide people the quality products they want, we work to help ensure the needs of the animals we depend on are met. And we help make sure that’s the case by adhering to the Global Animal Partnership, standard level 1 (GAP Step 1) and independent verification on the farm. 


Beef On a Stick
Top Butt on a plate

What We Mean by Never Ever

When you see Never Ever on one of our beef products, it means:

  • NAE - No antibiotics ever administered during the life of the animal
  • No added hormones or growth promotants during the life of the animal
  • Animals are fed a 100% vegetarian diet; no animal (mammalian or avian) by-products
  • Cattle are traceable to place of birth

With Open Prairie® brand beef, you know it’s raised to a set standard.

Beef Offerings

Our line of quality beef has the cuts you need - with no additives


Curious about our beef products? Here are the answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about Open Prairie® brand beef. 

Any meat that’s minimally processed with no synthetic or artificial ingredients can be labeled as “natural.” In addition to meeting the standard natural* requirements, Open Prairie® brand Natural products also come from animals raised with these standards:

  • NAE - No antibiotics ever administered during the life of the animal
  • No added hormones or growth promotants during the life of the animal
  • Animals are fed a 100% vegetarian diet; no animal (mammalian or avian) by-products

Never Ever means that the animals are raised with the following requirements:

  • No antibiotics ever
  • No added hormones or growth promotants
  • No animal (mammalian and avian) by-products

All animals in the Open Prairie® beef program are fed a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet helps provide a healthy balance of nutrients for the animals. 

Hormones occur naturally in all animals — including us humans! That said, there are no additional hormones or growth promotants given to the animals raised for the Open Prairie® beef.

No, animals in the Open Prairie® beef brand program have never received antibiotics. But each animal’s welfare is our priority, and we help ensure animals receive appropriate veterinarian-guided care when they need it.

Along with standard vaccinations and parasite control to help keep the animals healthy, veterinarians provide direction for care for any animals that might become sick, sometimes resulting in treatment of a sick animal using antibiotics. If antibiotics are used to treat a sick animal, the animal is removed from the Open Prairie® beef brand program and moved to a conventional program where it can recover.

No. The Open Prairie® brand team is dedicated to bringing better beef to consumers at a reasonable price. To be Certified Organic by the United States Department of Agriculture can be costly. It is also difficult to find consistent suppliers of organic feed. Instead, we focus on supplying you with high-quality beef from animals raised without antibiotics, added hormones or growth promotants.

Open Prairie® beef is not labeled as non-GMO. Independent studies have shown that there is no difference in how GMO and non-GMO foods affect the health*, safety or welfare of animals. These studies also show that the DNA in the GMO food does not transfer to the animal that eats it and the animals that eat GMO food do not turn into GMOs. Similarly, the DNA from GMO animal food does not make it into the meat, eggs or milk from the animal. Open Prairie® beef brand remains high in nutritional value, safety and quality.

GMO Crops, Animal Food, and Beyond | FDA

Yes! While the animals may have been fed grains that contain gluten or soy, their digestive systems take care of that. You’re left with meat that has no traces of gluten or soy whatsoever.

For the Open Prairie® brand, minimally processed means that our beef has not been altered in any material way. That means no solution enhancers, added flavors or added salt — just wholesome and delicious beef.

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