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Tyson Foodservice
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Serving Your Mission

Serving Your Mission

The world needs more of you. Keeping students well fed and prepared to learn comes with daily challenges. We want to help because your mission is our mission, too. We’re continuously developing more dedicated resources to make sure K-12 food programs like yours get the help and support needed to help make your mission a reality.

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Sharing Your Mission

We love sharing your mission with the rest of the world. Take a look at Donette’s Mission to mobilize her summer meal program to reach kids who would otherwise go hungry. 

K-12 Hunger Heroes

We want to celebrate K-12 foodservice operators who go above and beyond to serve up smiles to children along with nutritious and delicious meals. Thank you to ALL the Hunger Heroes out there in action every day! We’re proud to serve your mission!

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Serving Your Communities

During Buddy the Chicken’s visit to play with kids at the Urban League Head Start in St. Louis, Tyson Foods, Inc. donated a truckload of protein totaling 38,000 pounds to the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis to help fight hunger in Missouri. Urban League Head Start distributed the donated food, which is equivalent to 152,000 servings, through its network of community facilities to reach struggling individuals and families at risk of hunger.

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