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Lucinda Darby Hunger Hero

Cynthia Nelligan

Baggett Elementary, Gwinnett County Public Schools

Every holiday Cynthia goes out of her way to have monthly themes to put a smile on the faces of our students. The cafeteria always looks wonderful and warm. She goes out of her way to make sure all students are happy and smiling. She even makes sure that our students that are having financial hardship get enough to eat. The students sometimes ask for an extra apple or juice. She has no problem making sure that they are fed a healthy meal each day.

Each child has a story and she is always lending an ear to listen. When families are in need of furniture, Cynthia helps to organize and deliver beds and furniture to those families. She also makes sure that the other lunchroom workers get time in their schedule to visit classrooms to educate students about good nutrition.

She even does extra treats for the faculty and staff to put a smile on their faces. Her going that extra mile during the Covid-19 pandemic did not go unnoticed. That is why Cynthia is a hero!

She is more than just someone who works in the lunchroom. She is a major part of a team of caring individuals that work hard to make the lives of others better each day. That is truly worthy of a Tyson K-12 Hunger Hero!

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