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Lucinda Darby Hunger Hero

Lucinda Darby

Bloomfield High School, Bloomfield, NM

Bloomfield School's High School Manager is Lucinda Darby.  Lucinda has managed the high school kitchen and summer school program for 28 years.

During the first wave of COVID in 2020, when schools were shut down, Lucinda managed the parent pick-up of meals at the high school. Now with schools back open, she still runs the parent pick-up of meals when schools are shut down while simultaneously preparing breakfast and lunch for her students at the high school. 

A tall lady, almost reaching 5 feet, she works nonstop preparing nutritious meals for kids in our community. One of the stories that stand out to Lucinda’s peers is the time they spotted her running to catch up with a teacher to make sure a particular student knew about our pick-up of meals at the high school. It was a student who came every day during the shutdown on their bike to pick up breakfast and lunch. As the student rode off, Lucinda commented that she was glad he was eating. Through all the food shortages, staff issues, and new norms we are all adjusting to, Lucinda knew at the heart of all of this – the mission was to ensure no child would go hungry. Lucinda is the type of person who really takes the time to know her students and ask how they are doing.

For the past 28 years, she’s served meals with love and concern – making her a perfect example of a Tyson K-12 Hunger Hero.  

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